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Following the Lord Jesus, we strive to:


all people


our neighbors


God's purposes

into the next
generation intentionally

spiritual growth

The Mission of Waypoint Church is to honor God by helping others become fully-devoted followers of Jesus.

what we believe


We believe in one God – uncreated, personal, and existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that this one God is a being of unimaginably wonderful power, goodness, and love. Psalm 118:1Psalm 145:19Matthew 28:192 Corinthians 13:1


We believe that God has revealed the truth about himself in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, which together are a unique, reliable, and authoritative witness and guide in all matters of faith and life. Matthew 4:41 Thessalonians 2:132 Timothy 3:16–1

We believe that God perfectly revealed himself in his Son Jesus, who took on flesh, lived, taught, healed, loved, died, and rose again for our sakes. Jesus is our teacher, savior, Lord, and friend, and he reigns now and forever with the Father and the Holy Spirit. John 14:6–7Acts 2:321 Corinthians 15:3–4Ephesians 2:13Colossians 1:15–20Philippians 2:5–111 Timothy 2:5–6


We believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s empowering presence, filling those who are open to him and breathing into them gifts, power, love and courage to speak God’s words and to actively live out God’s purposes as agents of God’s kingdom. John 14:26Acts 1:8Romans 8:26Galatians 3:14Ephesians 1:13–14


We believe the world exists because God created it and that the world and everything in it belongs to God. We therefore also believe that we should cherish and care for creation in ways that honor God and that fulfill God’s purposes. Genesis 1:1Psalm 24:1–2, Isaiah 40:25–261 Corinthians 10:26


We believe that the pinnacle of God’s creation was and is human beings, and that all human beings have inherent dignity and infinity value because they were created by God in God’s own image. Genesis 1:27, 31, Psalm 8:36John 3:16Romans 5:8


We believe that iniquity, pain, suffering, and death exist because human beings have chosen their own way rather than God’s way and so, on our own, we human beings are estranged from God, from each other, from ourselves, and from creation. Genesis 3:17Romans 3:23Colossians 1:21Titus 3:3


We believe that God intends that sin and suffering will not get the last word, but rather that God has been and remains at work redeeming and reconciling to himself through Jesus and Jesus’ cross those whom and that which God created in his pleasure and for his glory. Isaiah 11:6–9Colossians 1:21–23Revelation 21:1–5


We believe that God became incarnate as Jesus not only to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins, but also to usher in the kingdom of God here and now.  This kingdom of God, also known as the reign or the rule of God, is the reality or realm in which what God wills is done.  Mark 1:15; 9:1; 12:34; Luke 18:2425; John 3:3; Acts 8:12


We believe that by his grace and through faith God saves people from sin, oppression, injustice, evil, and eternal condemnation.  Moreover, God saves people to himself for his purposes and forever.  Because of this we look forward with confidence to the day when, once and forever, wrongs will be set right; love will prevail; and every knee shall bow and every tongue confession that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Matthew 24:30–31Luke 12:40Romans 8:37–39Revelation 21:1–5


We believe that the Church is a new community in Christ, powered by God’s Spirit, through which God wants to bring love, healing, and unity to humanity. This community, referred to in the scriptures as the Bride of Christ, is made up of a diverse group of differently gifted people who as they follow Jesus together and love one another constitute local outposts of the kingdom of God. Matthew 18:18–20John 1:12–13, Acts 1:8Galatians 3:281 Peter 2:9



Shannon Pappas

Pastor, Head of Staff

I was born and raised in Texas, and I have been a part of the Waypoint family for 15 years. I am fascinated by Jesus of Nazareth, whom I seek to follow as Messiah, Teacher, Savior, and Lord. On a personal level, my wife and I have been blessed with the joy of raising four kids. When I have free time, I enjoy doing things with my family; all kinds of sports; anything outdoors; and reading.


Gladys Gardner

Director of Children's Ministry

My favorite thing is spending time with my family, especially my twin granddaughters. I enjoy reading a lot, being outdoors, traveling and Rocky Road ice cream. I'm California born and raised and super grateful to be Children's Director on staff for the past 18 years. Sharing Jesus' love and worshiping Him with children is the best gift.


Nick Gathman

Director of Music & Worship

I was born and raised in Oklahoma and moved to California in 2018. Each day, I strive to grow in my faith, seeking ways to draw closer to the Lord and serve Him with the gifts He has given me. A few of my interests include studying God’s Word, playing and writing music, brewing coffee, and hiking to spend quiet time with God.


Dave Holtzhauer

Director of Youth & Young Adults

I am originally from Virginia and had been living in Ventura since 1995. I come from a large family where I have five brothers and three sisters whom I love tremendously. I have been involved in Youth Ministry for twenty-six years. I am passionate about Jesus and seeing the reality of Him IMPACT students’ lives forever. One of my greatest joys is coming along side others. I love sports and one of my favorite sports to play is basketball.


Melissa Brambaugh

Administrator of Finance
& Operations

My husband, Steve, and I have been members of Waypoint Church since 1985. I enjoy volunteering in our children's ministry, teaching songs to children and reminding them how much Jesus loves them. My husband and I love to go on long walks and hikes together. We savor the time that we spend with our adult children.


Zoé Espinoza

Administrative Assistant
& Graphic Design

I was born in Costa Rica and raised in the Bay Area. I've been working at Waypoint church for a while now doing a lot of different things that I enjoy. I love to travel with family and friends and camping in epic places with my pup. I'm passionate about my latino culture, sourdough bread and sour candy, spanglish worship music and kindness.


Dina Thompson

Ministry Coordinator

I've lived a little in a lot of places, but am thankful my family moved to San Mateo and found Waypoint in 2018. I'm blessed to be married to my best friend and to be mom to three of my favorite people. I enjoy movies, books, and puppies. My prayer is to grow in understanding and sharing God's love in an ever-increasing way.


Kristy Wilson

Children's Ministry Assistant

I was born and raised at Waypoint Church (formerly FPCSM). I love leading music for the children's ministry and consider this one of my greatest joys. My husband, Rod, and I were married here and have enjoyed raising our two kids, Maggie and Zack as part of this family. I also enjoy crafts, reading and doing anything Disney related.



Darryl Compton


Angela Comstock


Walter Darbonne


Jeff de Lamare

Waypoint Church has been a second home for me since 1971. I have enjoyed serving as a deacon and several terms as elder. I am currently the Clerk of Session, and serve on the Finance Team. I am married to floral designer and actress Carolyn. We have six children, plus in-laws, twelve grandchildren, two great grandchildren and one dog “Lulu” still at home. I love having my daughter Kristy on staff.

My husband and I were first drawn to Waypoint Church because of its children's programs. Overioyed with the wonderful people we met, we became members in 2002. We have two children who have grown up in the church. I have had the opportunity to serve on the Kingdom Club team, as the coordinator for Home & Hope, and for the past nine years on the Human Resources team.

I accepted Jesus when I was five years old, but began following Jesus in early college years through a college ministry at First Presbyterian Church San Luis Obispo, where I met my wife Lois. Upon graduating from college, we moved to the SF peninsula in 1985, where I continued to pursue Jesus in Scripture (alone and in community), worship, missions and Christian ministry, mostly at Waypoint Church. I am passionate about sharing the Gospel with children and adults locally and globally. Walter and Lois have two grown sons and five grandchildren.

My wife Cynthia and I, became members of Waypoint Church in 1992 shortly after we were married. We have two sons, Andrew and Matthew. I have served our Lord in many ministries: Elder (spiritual formation & prayer), Deacon (worship team rep), Usher, Course Facilitator (Alpha, Marriage Course, Apples of Gold, Rational Christian Thinking), Media Tech, Prayer Leader, Sunday School Teacher (Adults, High School, Children’s), and Pastor Nominating Committee. Through it all, my faith in Jesus continues to grow, and it will be my privilege to continue in service to Him as an elder at Waypoint.


Kevin Fournier


Jomo Thompson

Rich Wagner

Liz Yeager

I am striving to be a fully committed follower of Jesus, which is a life-long journey! I am blessed to be a part of Waypoint Church - a church that seeks and creates opportunities to serve its neighbors. Outside of this church and my ministry with the sound-production team, I love being outside and exploring the Bay Area with my wonderful wife and three sons.

My family joined Waypoint Church four years ago after we returned to the US after a stint overseas. I am passionate about God's Word and helping people of all ages and experiences connecting the Word to their lives, both daily and deeply. I am a lawyer by trade and like to spend time with my family watching movies and playing games, both tabletop and video games.

My wife Martha and I moved to San Mateo from upstate New York and came to Waypoint Church because it hosted the Community Bible Study. We have been blessed by the welcoming spirit of the church members, and by the many opportunities to worship and serve the Lord. Over the past 50 years, I have served in a variety of church leadership roles, and love to study and teach the Bible. We have also been members of the Gideons, who place scriptures in public places with a focus on encouraging people to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. We have four grown children.

I have been a member of Waypoint Church since 2008. We chose to join after the people of Waypoint loved us so well that we never wanted to leave. My husband and four children and I have been very involved in many of the ministries over the years. I have a passion for helping others understand the love and healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our story


First Presbyterian Church of San Mateo began in 1942 as a Sunday school for children in a rented storefront on lower 25th Avenue. Soon thereafter in the exploding new suburban community of San Mateo, a larger storefront was found on 25th Avenue and eleven adults participated in the first worship service of “South San Mateo Community Church.”  By August 30 of 1942, the fledgling congregation had 84 members and discussions were happening about purchasing the land on which the congregation’s current main campus sits.


In 1946, construction began on the church’s original sanctuary (that is now Geneva Hall) and Sunday school classrooms. As the congregation continued to grow, its current sanctuary was built in the mid-1950s.  In the years that followed, the parking lot and manse on 25th Avenue were purchased.  In 1973, the church acquired the building that is now the church offices and the Lighthouse at the corner of 25th Avenue and Hacienda.


What began as an outreach to children God has used for generations now to advance his purposes in and beyond San Mateo. Loving and ministering to children of the community continues to be a priority and joyful call of the congregation some 80 years after that first Sunday school program was launched.  In addition, the congregation understands itself now to be a mission outpost of the kingdom of God and a “house of prayer for all nations” in a community and culture that have changed significantly since the church’s initial Sunday school outreach to children.

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Waypoint Church in 2022

For 80 years we were First Presbyterian Church of San Mateo, and in all those years there was never a Second Presbyterian Church of San Mateo, so we recently decided it was time to update our name.  Our new name (Waypoint) affirms several things:

  • that we believe that Jesus is the way to God the Father and to the sort of life Jesus called “eternal” 

  • that our joyful calling is to help point other people to the way (i.e. Jesus); and 

  • that we aspire to be used by God as a congregation to be a significant waypoint, marker, or crossroads for people on their own journey of life and faith


We are still a Presbyterian congregation in beliefs, practice and affiliation.  Our DNA as a community of people seeking to honor God by following Jesus and helping others to know, love, follow, and worship Jesus hasn’t changed.  We understand ourselves to still be “a church for the community” whose calling it is to love our neighbors in Jesus’ name.  None of that has changed.  The only thing that has changed is our name, which has been a part of our re-commitment to see God’s kingdom come in our community and even among and through us!


We encourage you to check out our website and consider joining us in person sometime soon.

contact us

194 W. 25th Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403


Thank you for your information. We'll get back soon!

Job openings

Facilities Supervisor

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